Improve Employee Wellbeing

As an employer, the success of your business relies heavily on the performance and wellbeing of your employees. Research has consistently shown that employees with high levels of wellbeing are more productive, engaged, and loyal. Mobile Health’s Wellbeing Journeys and Healthy Habits build the holistic health that cultivates a thriving employee population, a healthier work environment, and the long-term success of your organization.

75+ Wellbeing Journeys & Healthy Habits
across 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

A.I. Based Personalization

Employees receive personalized next steps based on their health data, giving each person the most impactful wellbeing programs based on their unique needs. Employees who feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy can be more focused and effective at work.

Reduced Healthcare Expenses

Healthier employees typically require fewer medical interventions and have lower healthcare costs. Targeted outreach and communications drive employees to the healthy behaviors they need most, creating outcomes you can count on to reduce the financial burden of healthcare for your employees and your organization.

More Engaged Employees

Employees receive personalized next steps based on their health data, giving each person the most impactful wellbeing programs based on their unique needs. Employees who feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy can be more focused and effective at work.

Improved Productivity

Employees who feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy tend to be more productive and efficient. By addressing their wellbeing, you create an environment where employees can perform at their best, ultimately boosting your organization’s productivity and bottom line.

Increased Talent Attraction & Retention

Employees receive personalized next steps based on their health data, giving each person the most impactful wellbeing programs based on their unique needs. Employees who feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy can be more focused and effective at work.

Reduced Absenteeism & Presenteeism

Employees with poor wellbeing are more likely to take time off due to illness or stress, leading to increased absenteeism. Additionally, presenteeism – when employees come to work but are not fully productive due to health issues – can also negatively impact your organization. Investing in employee wellbeing helps to reduce both absenteeism and presenteeism, ensuring a more efficient workforce.

Increased Employee Loyalty

Employees who feel valued and cared for by their employers are more likely to demonstrate loyalty and commitment to the organization. By prioritizing wellbeing, you can foster a sense of loyalty that leads to reduced turnover and improved employee morale.

Investing in employee wellbeing is a smart business decision

Investing in employee wellbeing yields numerous benefits, from increased productivity to reduced healthcare costs. By fostering a supportive work environment and providing the resources needed for employees to thrive, you set your organization up for long-term success and establish yourself as an employer of choice in the competitive business landscape.

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